Semi-Annual Mtg and Election Details/Asks (3/6 @ 7pm; FR Baptist Church)
Greetings Association Members!
1. Our elections require 10% attendance for a quorum. If we round up that amounts to 113 homes represented. The vote will be the very first item at 7 p.m., so even if you don’t attend the entire meeting please stop by and fill out a ballot. Personally, I think it is every resident’s duty to, at the very least, attend the two semi-annual meetings each year and vote in elections. I hope you do!
Only homeowners may vote in elections. Sorry renters.
You can find out about the candidates either through their bios which I will post over the weekend or by listening to their 2-minute intros at the beginning of the meeting.
2. Need two residents who are going to be at the meeting to volunteer to give out the ballots and tally the results afterward. Just send me a message or email to volunteer.
3. If you are interested in being a candidate for the board, please send me a few lines describing your qualifications and what you hope to accomplish as a board member by FRIDAY @ 5 p.m. (Keep it brief). You can find a number of samples by googling “HOA board election bio”. I’ll put that brief write-up into a document that I’ll post online before the election so residents can get to know the candidates.
4. There is a possibility that there may be limited childcare available at the meeting. I’ll update you if that works out.
Chris Hummer