Available Employment Positions
- No paid employment currently needed.
Volunteers for the following committees and community groups always needed and welcome:
- Audit Committee (contact Steve Weiser, (937) 902-3720), audit@forestridgeassociation.org)
- Activities Committee (contact Scott Kreckman, (937) 490-9757, activities@forestridgeassociation.org)
- Communications Committee (contact Roberta Havholm, (937) 233-0241, communications@forestridgeassociation.org)
- Election Committee (contact Larry Ford, (937) 343-4060, voting@forestridgeassociation.org)
- Greens and Maintenance Committee (contact Scott Kreckman, (937) 490-9757, greens@forestridgeassociation.org)
- Infrastructure Committee (contact Larry Ford, (937) 343-4060, infrastructure@forestridgeassociation.org)
- Pool Committee (contact Jesse Morgan, (937) 232-3982, pool@forestridgeassociation.org)
- Welcome Committee (contact Maria Ford, mytif9@gmail.com)
- Community Garden (contact Davey Jurcsisn, (937) 672-5440)
- Friends of Forest Ridge, who work on flower beds and plantings (contact Julie Quinn, 813-2266)
- FRA Soccer League (contact Brittany Heckman, 301-378-6327, frasoccer@gmail.com)
- FRA Swim Team (contact Rebecca Brooks)