Proposed Updated Bylaws
When the Bylaws Committee was formed, the intent was to focus on making it easier for residents to participate by adding more options for voting (proxy, mail, e-vote). For better or worse, the committee took it one step further and evaluated every section. Based on feedback so far, some of the changes have been controversial. The Board of Trustees has voted to add a voting option which allows members to approve only an amendment to the acceptable voting methods. Adding this option could possibly cause confusion, and we are working to determine the clearest wording to include on the ballot. This is just a rough draft on the language, but the options will be:
1. Do you support the adoption of the full bylaws amendment as printed in the Murmurs (this one: Proposed Amended Code of Regulations). YES or NO
2. Do you support the adoption of only the changes that allow for the addition of mail-in ballots, proxies, and e-voting as approved voting methods: YES or NO.
[Current and proposed language to be added here. We’re still working on the exact wording, and will have it complete as soon as possible] We appreciate your patience as we work to ensure that the most inambiguous wording for the ballot is achieved.
Our current Code of Regulations, for comparison, is here: Forest Ridge Code of Regulations