The best place to post about missing and found pets is both on the Forest Ridge FaceBook page AND on the Forest Ridge Nexdoor site.
You can find the Forest Ridge Facebook Page at…
If you not already signed up for Nextdoor Forest Ridge, you will need to verify your address before you can post on it. You can sign up for Nextdoor at …
Please include in your posting the following information:
If pet is missing, or was found
Type of pet; breed if known; description (color/size/markings)
Date and location the pet was found or went missing
Current location of pet (your home/animal shelter/etc)
Contact information for current location (your email address/phone number/current location of pet)
Photo, if available)
Below are links to area and national missing pet sites. Please note that pets can often travel a good distance from home and cross city and county boundaries, so please check with not only your own city and county, but adjoining city and county agencies when searching for your lost pet.